Friday, July 29, 2011

The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture Virtualized and Simplified

I have given a few presentations and this one continues to get attention. I figured that it deserved a blog post.

First of all from a systems point of view you should always avoid uniqueness's. Why, because you will forget the uniqueness and it come back to haunt you down the road. Because of this I am a strong advocate of “Standardized Templates” that should be done at what my colleges and I refer to as “Platforms”. As a platform system engineer, I view myself as a steward of the university computer system. Of this system I have several points of expertise and ownership. One of these is ensuring the PeopleSoft platforms work with the universities system. In the PeopleSoft Platform we run multiple applications and other supporting applications that must work within our computer system.
My experience with PeopleSoft applications starts in early 2001. I first virtualized the webservers in late 2005 and the application servers in early 2007 and have been following this methodology for most of the time I have worked with PeopleSoft/Oracle and it was made easier when virtualizing.

Standardized Template
I choose to create a standardized template to install from. This template allows me to make sure everything is the same and if something needs to be changed it is on the same location on all of my servers. This allows patches/fixes and even upgrades to be scripted. With a template that is tools only I can bring into existence any system on the same tools release by coping down the application specific files and running some scripts to change things such as the database the application server and process scheduler are pointed at and the cookie name in the webserver. Replicating an environment now takes hours where it uses to take days or weeks and the human installation errors are mostly removed.

Install the Operating System
Whenever installing a new system it is good to check out PeopleSoft's performance red paper but be mindful to not use it religiously. I question anything that does not make sense or I do not understand. I also like to avoid complicating the system to much.
Some files to pay attention to are
/etc/sysctl.conf -- Depending on your setup peoplesoft numbers are overkill and other system defaults are higher and that is fine
Install PeopleSoft Required Software
PeopleTools (The version you will be using)
Webserver Software
Database Client
Other general items
o Do not yet install any PeopleSoft applications
We will now be able to use this image to create other images for every application that you have
Configure the following
Avoid hardcoding hostname/ip. Use localhost or wherever possible
Application Server
Web Server
Batch/Process Scheduler Server
Test the configuration to make sure you did things correctly. You may use any database with the same tools level even without the application files as long as you are not running application specific processes.

Break the image and delete log files
Add “Change me” or something that you can script or look for in the configuration files that may need to be changed. These may include
Database name
Cookie Name
Number of certain processes such as application servers booted
In more complex environments like prod you may want to change where the web is pointed
o In certain non-prod environments we may point the web to the local application server
o Have a config file that will tell it what processes should boot and only boot what you want to use

Installing an Image - Apply Application Specific Files
Take the tools level image that you have after deploying/copying the image
Install the application specific files
Point to an application specific instance in the application and batch server
Boot up and you’re good
Repeat for each application or server that you need

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Usefull SQL

I plan on adding to this post over time. I have started with process scheduler related queries.

Alter session - so you do not have to preface everything with user.table
alter session set current schema=;
Example: If I needed to access a table(booklist) under the js schema and I was logged in at mj I could do the following.
  • select count(*) from js.booklist;
  • alter session set current schema=js;
  • select count(*) from booklist;
Alter session works very well when you are working constantly in another schema like peoplesoft.

Load Specific

I use some oracle specific sql some times.

Process Scheduler
Rundates with the number of processes that were queued when an item was scheduled to run
select to_char(a.rundttm,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') rundate, count(*) from ( select distinct rundttm from sysadm.ps_pmn_prcslist) a join sysadm.ps_pmn_prcslist b on a.rundttm between b.rundttm and b.enddttm group by a.rundttm;

How long processes are talking to run
select a.PRCSINSTANCE || ',' || a.PRCSNAME || ',' || (a.ENDDTTM-a.BEGINDTTM) * 1440 as ProcessIDProcessNameMinutesTaken from sysadm.ps_pmn_prcslist a where a.BEGINDTTM > sysdate-7;
select a.PRCSINSTANCE || ',' || a.PRCSNAME || ',' || floor(((((a.ENDDTTM-a.BEGINDTTM)*24*60*60)/3600)*3600)/60) as IdNameMinutes from sysadm.ps_pmn_prcslist a where a.BEGINDTTM > sysdate-7;

CSV export of the process scheduler table
select OPRID || ',' || PRCSINSTANCE || ',' || PRCSTYPE || ',' || PRCSNAME || ',' || to_char(rundttm,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ',' || to_char(BEGINDTTM,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') || ',' || to_char(ENDDTTM,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from sysadm.ps_pmn_prcslist;

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Installing Oracle 10R2 on Fedora 10 32bit on a VM

Why Did I Post This
I could not find a good guide online. I wanted to setup a fedora box for playing and this looked like a good first step.

General Information
I did this on a VM so there are a few things that I have listed here that may help people install vmware tools.

General Information
Fedora 10 32bit in a VM
  • Only installed the OS. No extra items like office productivity
Oracle user groups are dba,oper,asmadmin oracle, Oracle
  • I used a capitol "O" for kicks
I choose to install to /oracle
  • I have never been given a good reason for this u01 junk
Initial Install
I installed the RPM version with a simple rpm -i XXXXXXXXXXX.rpm on the virtual cdrom

Needed Dependancy
yum install gcc kernel-devel

This allowed me to compile the vmware tools. It will also allow the installation of Oracle. Of course the command to finish the install was /usr/bin/

Needed Dependancies for the Oracle Install
Oracle Specific (Page 33 - Oracle Database installation guide)
yum install binutills compat-db compat-libstdc++ control-center gcc-c++ libstc++ glibc-common libstc++-devel gnome-libs make pdksh sysstat xscreensaver setarch

Others that I found and think I needed.
yum install libaio-devel elfutils-libelf-devel unixODBC unixODBC-devel compat-libstdc++-33
Some of these gave me errors for not having them installed. Others I found a reference to when looking at something else.

Edited /etc/sysctl.conf Kernel Parameters
# Put here as part of the oracle pre-install pg41+ of the Oracle Database Installation Guide
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
# semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

Security Limits
Edited /etc/security/limits.conf Pg 43
## Put here as part of the Oracle Database pre-install
Oracle soft nproc 2047
Oracle hard nproc 16384
Oracle soft nofile 1024
Oracle hard nofile 65536

Edit Pam (Failed-so I commented out)
Edited /etc/pam.d/login pg 43 (Breaks x. Commented out)
# Part of the Oracle Pre-install
#session required /lib/security/
#session required

As I use the system I may find out why Oracle thinks that this is needed. I installed without it.

SELINUX Disable (Not recommended, but Limits frustations)
Edited /etc/selinux/config Because it gets in the way (Requires a reboot)

To fool the os version check
Edited /etc/redhat-release (this so I can use the normal install)
redhat release 4

Create the folders and set the permissions
mkdir /oracle
mkdir /oracle/product
mkdir /oracle/product/10.2.0
mkdir /oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
chown -R Oracle:oinstall /oracle
chown -R 775 /oracle
xhost +localhost
chmod -R g+w /oracle

Not so good oracle installation instructions
Go to the dvds you have/downloaded/etc
You need to get into the database folder
As Oracle run the runInstaller by cd to the directory and running ./runInstaller
Install, hopefully error free

After Install

Edit /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)

Error Documented
Exception String: Error in invoking target 'all_no_orcl ihsodbc' of makefile '/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/lib/'. See '/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions2009-01-14_09-01-47AM.log' for details.
Solution yum install compat-libstdc++-33

Creating a database issues
If you create the databases with lower case you will have to create a simbolic link for some things(like EM) to run properly.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

PeopleSoft Cobol Woes on Unix/Linux

Good Commands with Sample Output
V4.0 revision 0 build 10/10/2 G; 14705. Run Time System RXCPR/AA0/00000D
cob -V
version @(#)cob.c 1.313
I see no work
cob -v
cob64 -C nolist -v
I see no work
which PSRUN
Depends on your path

Testing your Cobol Environment (My notes are from HPUX)
Loggin to your system as the peoplesoft user or become the peoplesoft user
Setup the environment by calling the in the peoplesoft home if you have multiple environments
Find PSRUN is in your path with which PSRUN. If it is not in your path you need to link your cobol (check your PS_HOME/setup/)
Run a test cobol with the following command "PSRUN PTPDBTST"
IT FAILED fails check your path variables. Example I needed to add these two on hpunix

Pray it works

A few things to be mindfull of. Cobol is very picky of the environment. Make sure you have double checked all of your environmental variables as well as someone else has doublechecked them.

I expect to be installing this on redhat 5 soon, so expect an update.